Feedback from Readers of

The Hidden Diffability: Discovering Aspergers

We've received some beautiful responses from people who've purchased this book - thank you so much for taking the time to write a review or post feedback. It makes all the hard work so worthwhile!

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Kym -  'I purchased your ebook yesterday also, what a coincidence that you replied to my query! It was very easy to read & refreshing to hear stories similar to ours. We just got our diagnosis recently & found it overwhelming to think of everything I need to look into for my Aspergers child and this helped me see it all a little more clearly, so thank you for taking the time to write it for families like mine.'

Lisa - 'I'm really enjoying your book!  I love the way you weave in your comments in the italics throughout and how it all fits together and flows even though there's several different stories from various families.  It just works!  Can't wait for the next one, such a good read.'

Mary - 'I'm finding your book fascinating reading. You have provided a wonderful and readable resource for people.'

Emily - 'I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. I ordered your book last Thursday after hearing you speak in Yarraville on Wednesday. To my amazement and utter delight the book arrived on Friday in time for me to start reading over the long weekend. I'm already halfway through and savouring and carefully digesting each page. Thank you for sharing this information, for devoting your time energies and knowledge to this project. It is certainly helping and nourishing this AS mother and I'm sure many others will benefit too. I look forward to the other two instalments.' 

Anon - 'I have read your book and congratulate you.  Great job and full of valuable information.  I wish I had something like this when my son was first diagnosed.'

Amazon Review 1 - 'As a bewildered mum with a recently diagnosed child, this book has allowed me to understand for the first time what Aspergers is really all about. I can almost feel it and touch it. The very real personal stories in the book have demystified what this condition is all about and what I and my family are dealing with. I understand what some of our challenges will be and can mentally prepare for these situations as they arise. Of course one can't be prepared for every eventuality, but this helps. A must read for anyone dealing with Aspergers in any capacity.'

Amazon Review 2 - 'An interesting book, with some great insights. It is nice to have a book that communicates in a very relevant way. All to often factual books relating to ASD are too complex - often good information can be lost. Combining the personal stories with the relevant information makes everything clearer and easier to follow. And with a number of families telling their stories, there was generally at least one that our family can relate to in each section. I did find jumping around between people a little distracting sometimes, perhaps a bit more information on/from each family in one place would have been easier, but it is certainly good to hear a number of different experiences and to see how those experiences have changed their journey or outcomes. Especially interesting to me, is hearing stories that relate to how the system works here in Australia and how our lifestyle influences our experiences with ASD. I'm looking forward to reading the other books in the series. Thank you to Lyndel for giving the Australian story, I will be rereading this one and making lots of notes!'

Amazon Review 3 - 'This book is great for understanding step by step. It is informative and uses real case studies. I highly recommend this to anyone!'

Amazon Review Hazel Edwards - 'Revealing the Hidden Diffability: This is one of the first e-books I have read on my iPad. I also gave a print copy to my psychologist friend who counsels many families and another to a busy mother of students in the age range of these families. In either the electronic or print format, this book is a valuable resource for continuing reference.
It is also very accessible reading, which is why this collection is significant. It deals with the real questions which families face and contains strategies for everyday practicalities relating to diagnosis, finding an appropriate school, applying for funding support and the final question, of educating non-Aspie families too.
The `Hidden Diffability' title appealed to me, as did the emphasis upon the positive aspects of Asperger Syndrome. Fifteen families are interviewed but these are representative of much more research behind this book.
The strength of this Autism Spectrum collection is in the range of viewpoints, logical structure, excellent editing and cover, but also in having real experiences to share, and in explaining some of the vocabulary and terms. No-one wants to insult or alienate by inadvertently using `a label' which others find offensive. I've learnt it's ok to say `Aspie', but it's even better to talk about `diffabilities'.
Author Lyndel Kennedy is to be commended. Two more books are planned in the series and will cover Aspergers at School and Everyday Aspergers. Lyndel also maintains the website of the Aspergers Syndrome Support Network and is a parent support group facilitator.'